Django Global Login Required Middleware

This module is a Django middleware that make all views and URLs login required.



you can install Django Global Login Required Middleware using pip:

$ pip install django-glrm


To install this app, you should add 'global_login_required.LoginRequiredMiddleware' to settings.MIDDLEWARE

    # default contents



then all routes in your sile will be login required.

there is 4 ways to exclude a url or view from being login required:

  • Add a @login_not_required decorator for view (function based or class based)
  • List the public view (not login required views) in at PUBLIC_VIEWS
  • List the public url’s regex is at PUBLIC_PATHS
  • Add LOGIN_NOT_REQUIRED property to view class


if you want to use login_not_required decorator for a class based view, it should be in one of this formats:

  1. Use as a normal decorator for class
from global_login_required import login_not_required
from django.views.generic import ListView

class test_ClassBasedView_decorator(ListView):
  1. Decorating in URLconf:
from global_login_required import login_not_required

urlpatterns = [
    path(r'^cbv_decorator/', login_not_required(test_ClassBasedView_decorator.as_view())),
  1. Decorating the class:
from global_login_required import login_not_required
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import ListView

@method_decorator(login_not_required, name='dispatch')
class test_ClassBasedView_method_decorator(ListView):


If you combine login_not_required decorator with a login_required decorator, your view will be login required.

Class Property

also you can a LOGIN_NOT_REQUIRED to your class based views and your class will be publicly available:

from django.views.generic import ListView

class test_ClassBasedView_property_public(ListView):
    LOGIN_NOT_REQUIRED = True # Makes the view publicly available

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return HttpResponse("Response from view.")

If you set LOGIN_NOT_REQUIRED to False your view still login required:

from django.views.generic import ListView

class test_ClassBasedView_property(ListView):
    LOGIN_NOT_REQUIRED = False # The view still login required

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return HttpResponse("Response from view.")


There is 2 settings available


This setting is a python list that contains string path to any view that you want to make it publicly available:


The middleware will check every request and if responsible view of the request was listed at this setting, it will ignore checking for authentication.


The view listed here can be function based or class based.


This setting is a python list that contains regex strings of URIs that you to make them publicly available:

    '^%s.*' % MEDIA_URL, # allow public access to any media on your application
    r'^/accounts/.*', # allow public access to all django-allauth views

the r letter before the regular expression is optional and tells python that this is a regex not a normal python string, but python re package can handel this itself.

also you can list exact URL in here.

The middleware will check every request and if URI of the request match with any of listed regular expressions, it will ignore checking for authentication.


It’s important to handel authentication of urls that are private but match with some of listed patterns.

For example user profile page (/accounts/profile/) in above example should be login required:

  • You can use login_required decorator for such views.
  • You can write more complex regex that ensures correct access rights.


If you manually add a login_required decorator to view, and then list that view in settings, the final final result will be login required.